Abstract submission

Instructions for presenters

Before submitting an abstract, please first create an account

Abstract submission

All contributors should submit abstracts of their presentations 400-500 words maximum. Each abstract should be given with a biograhic note (references have to be intergrated in the "comment").

Please fill your login and password and then select "my submissions" in "my space" menu (See above on the right). 

Deadline: March 15-2015. The Scientific Committee will make a final decision and you will receive the decision by email by April 1-2015.

Once the abstract submission has been accepted by the Organisation Committee, it will possible for partipants' transport and boarding expenses to be taken in charge. Only then will the participants be asked to pay the registration fees. 

Oral contributions

Each talk will last 15 minutes.

Information on contributions

PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat presentations should be submitted to the organizers on the day of presentation, in the morning, 15 minutes before the start of the first presentation of the day, or – better – one day before.

Paper languages : English and French 


For more information :

Pr Yvan Combeau  Yvan.Combeau@univ-reunion.fr

Pr Yvon Rolland  Yvon.Rolland@univ-reunion.fr

Thierry Gaillat MCF  Thierry.Gaillat@univ-reunion.fr

Online user: 1